Our customer required a swift and adaptable system that could quickly fill pots using both a powder filler and two multi-head weighers.
They also didn't want an operator constantly loading pots into the system running at up to 50 units per minute.
Our bespoke solution was a scroll denester with a 6 stack carousel on a platen based conveyor system.
Our bespoke foil denester and heated platen finished the filled pots by laying foils onto the top and heat sealing for food safety.
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Adjustable to suit conveyor
Regulates optimal spaces between trays to maximise Spiral Freezer capacity
Orientates the Food Tray to any angle between 0° and 180°
Adjustable up to 300mm wide trays
Up to 50 trays per minute
Fully autonomous, no need to link into existing control panels
Fast changeover between tray types
Stainless steel construction for easy wipe down
Quick release on vacuum system keeps contamination out of the system
As an integrator of robots into the Food and Pharmaceutical industry, we recognised how costly the existing range of products were for Collaborative Robots.
To meet the needs of one of our customers the design team designed the Ipsum series of products aimed at Collaborative Robots.
The results were a 3D printed solution giving the strength of aluminium and the lightness of carbon fibre perfect for Collaborative Robots.

One of the largest cake and bun manufacturers in the world asked us to help them with a health and safety problem.
When we visited the site in Andover we could see the problem straight away. As the products were coming out of the chiller they were moving all over the place. And perched on top of a scissor lift was one man manually realigning everything with a broom handle.
Our design team spent a few days on-site evaluating all of the products being run and came up with a system to take account of everything.
Now, as the products come down the conveyor, individual sensors look for the leading edge of the profile and gently pause the section of cakes until they form a perfect line.

Our customer in Ireland required a compact system that enabled them to deposit all their products, which were previously only capable of being done by humans.
Collaborating with Isheda, we developed a versatile and adjustable system that could be utilized in various locations throughout the factory, including on the move.
​The system was completed and fitted into the existing footprint by including an elevator conveyor and a bin tipper, to the extent that two systems were added to the production line.

Our customer in Ireland had a common problem with the lack of labour to do simple pick and place operations. And to further complicate things the products coming out of the extruders were very hot and soft to handle.
Our solution was to supply the latest Collaborative system from Wyzo and integrate it into a conveyor shuttling system constantly moving full and empty trays.
With the addition of a bespoke designed gripper system that was gentle on the product but fast enough to keep up with the robot the system was complete.​
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